Breema and Health

In today's world, many of us find ourselves spending a lot of time doing sedentary activities, like working at a computer, and we often experience a negative impact that can manifest in a variety of ways. Common symptoms include eye strain, headaches, neck stiffness and/or pain, back pain, sciatic pain, digestive disorders, anxiety or depression, and so on. We have found Breema bodywork and Self-Breema remarkably effective in lessening symptoms and decreasing or eliminating the structural and physiological causes of these problems.
We have always presented Breema bodywork and Self-Breema exercises with a complete emphasis on their primary purpose and potential—to bring body, mind, and feelings to work together in harmony—and by doing so, to raise our level of consciousness. But this is not to say that they don't also affect our health. In fact, they have enormous potential to improve our physical health. In reality, each Breema bodywork treatment and every Self-Breema exercise affects every cell of the entire body.
From that perspective, it may be somewhat misleading to say that a particular treatment or exercise is especially good for the neck, or the back, or for the adrenal glands, because all of them can and do affect every part of the body. But without detracting from their essential purpose of supporting the integration of body, mind, and feelings to create a "whole person," a truly natural human being, we have, for 40 years now at the Breema Clinic, offered Breema bodywork and prescribed particular Self-Breema exercises to patients to support recovery from injuries and illnesses, to catalyze detoxification, to improve sensory and nervous system function, to improve posture and range of motion, to increase circulation, to improve organ function, to decrease tension and increase energy, to alleviate pain, and for support with a great many of the problems and challenges that our bodies face as we go through life. The results obtained bear witness to the great efficacy of all aspects of Breema as a support for improving and maintaining health.
If you are someone who finds yourself sitting in front of a screen for long periods of time, you will find that many Self-Breema exercises can even be done sitting in your chair! Some can be done by just standing up right in front of your computer. All are relatively short, and some take as little as 30 seconds to do. And the contrast between "before" and "after" is often remarkable.
If you are looking for help with a physical issue, we encourage you to visit the Breema Clinic, and discover how the bodywork and the exercises can support you.